How We Take Care of Friends School of Portland:What Does It Look Like When We Are Good Stewards

Pictured above: A view of Friends School of Portland taken by Kelsey Kobik Photography.

At Friends School of Portland, Quaker values are the framework that is instilled in our actions and decision-making for both small and large choices. We often reflect on how we strive to teach children each day to be careful, conscientious, and thoughtful about caring for their belongings, and our school building and land. As thoughtful, caring adults we all strive to make decisions at both the programmatic and administrative levels with our head and heart that we can put into action.  

What kind of bus do we want to purchase? 

Where will we invest our money? 

What kind of school building will we build? 

What type of plate will we use at our school event?

What type of elective might we offer for Middle School students? 

These are questions that come up in teacher meetings, Board Finance Committee meetings, Annual Auction planning meetings, past Building and Capital Campaign Committee meetings, and everyday conversations at FSP.  

Our school is still young in its 16th year. We have taken care to think about the ways that we can care for the resources that we have and the spaces and places around us. We think about this in both big and small ways.  

In 2015, we moved into the building that we call home -- the first Passive House school building in Maine and just the third in the country. In 2018, we began a small endowment which is invested in the Friends Fiduciary Quaker Index Fund.  

Each school year, we print off a few large mailings with Franklin Printing who are one of the 100% wind-powered printers in the state.  

Each day, we compost paper towels and on days with bigger events we make sure to purchase compostable plates and flatware.   

Before February School break, students, teachers, and faculty took time to “Love Our School” during an all-school stewardship assembly. Cubbies, desks, hallways, overlooked closets, and even the space for the downstairs printer was cleaned up and attended to.  

Every day, we make choices and take actions. We give care and tend to what is needed. We don’t always get it right. But we strive together to find the ways that we can best take good care of the spaces and places around us.